I’m a big fan of the Kevo keyless entry bluetooth technology. I find that I often discover and start using products before they become really popular. That’s why when a friend showed me a video about Kwikset’s keyless entry Bluetooth lock technology I knew I had to check it out. I bought one online as soon as it was available.

Kevo lets you unlock and lock a door three different ways: the traditional way with a key, with a plastic key fob, or via a mobile app that provides an eKey. If you have guests or someone who needs one-time access, now you don’t have to give them a key. You can send them an eKey via the app and they just touch the lock to open it. The iPhone app also gives you a report on who opened or closed the door and when.


Kwikset Kevo Smart Lock HandlesetKwikset Kevo Smart Lock

It was super easy for me to install Kevo on the front door of my house. I love the access control Kevo gives me even when I’m not home. Recently my brother-in-law needed to get into the house and was able to download the app and I sent him a key without having to drive home. My brother loses his keys all the time so he regularly accesses the house with his phone. The keyless entry bluetooth technology was perfect for him.

One of the best things about Kevo is being able to see who is accessing the house and when. That, and the added security of not having a physical key out there that could easily be copied.

I would definitely recommend Kevo by Kwikset, and will be buying two for my mom soon.

-Patrick K.